It hit me the last time we were watching a movie. It was an old movie that we have seen 100 times but this time it stuck out to me that this man and women ( the main characters) were engaging in a marital like relationship but they weren’t married. The scenes don’t need to be graphic. Whether it’s a man and a woman embracing each other and then the scene fades to black only to start again the next morning with them waking up together or a man and a woman kissing and going behind a closed door together…the inference is enough to understand what is to be taking place. I thought about this and sadly it is the reality for most of the movies and TV shows we watch. Most of the men and women are portraying the sharing of what God ordained only for marriage while they are in fact only dating or perhaps just met or however the story line goes. We watch these shows and movies that portray this as the norm. Yes it is the norm in our culture. People are in bed with a number of other people whether in a relationship or not. But just because this is the norm of the world, does not mean that we as Christian’s should be in bed with these types of portrayals of what ought not to be on the shows and movies playing on our TV screens. Continue reading “Desensitized to Fornication”