Free Caterpillar Bugs Life Anatomy Printable

After my daughter chose to read Gotta Go! Gotta Go! we decided to break out the caterpillar and butterfly unit materials I had to go along with it. However I found I had no caterpillar bugs life information. So we did a quick watercolor painting of a monarch caterpillar and labeled it and decided to share it here for anyone else who would want to use this to go along with the book! Click here to download the Monarch caterpillar anatomy pages. In this PDF file you will get the Caterpillar anatomy key, a small key card version, and the caterpillar anatomy label page. You will also get an information sheet that discussed each label. Please share with your friends!

We enjoyed using this caterpillar anatomy along with our butterfly anatomy from @loveathomeed and @simplyalove and it went along great with our reading book Gotta go! Gotta go!